Cancer Journey...
The word cancer is not something you ever think you will get. I never thought that. I have always been good to my body and fortunate in life to not experience many medical issues. I have never had surgery except dental surgery, never had a broken bone, and never been seriously sick except for colds and the flu. Cancer is not discriminatory though. I have known people who had cancer. They fought it and won. Some tried to fight it and lost. To me cancer does not care who you are or what you are. Fortunately for me the cancer I was diagnosed with is curable. Curable by surgery and medicine for the rest of my life. Sounds good to me. That does not sound to crazy. No, it is not crazy but the journey I started fall of 2011 changed my life and I did not realize it at the time.I am stubborn always have been. Doctor visits are twice a year so that I stay regular and nothing crazy happens to me. I am not afraid of doctors some people are though. The journey started with a regular physical. ...