
Showing posts from November, 2014

Trek Ten Trails Accomplishment

November 1, 2014...I received the 2014 Trek Ten Trails Certificate for finding 10 of 15 letterbox caches hidden in nature preserves around Polk County. I am proud of myself for completing this task. My mother assisted me in this endeavor. Honestly, I had doubts of completing and in one year. I even thought I would not rush it, not stress over it, and take my time finding the 10 caches. I got excited in late September and thought, You can do this, just do I did. For most of the 2014 year I was focused more on my health and my father's health. Geocaching is a passion of mine, but it got put on the back burner for 6 months or so. My father passed away in July 2014. So much of my time this year was spent with him and what little time I did have was spent working. Although I did find time to geocache mainly because I loved it, it was a stress reliever for me, and took my mind somewhere else out in nature. God talked me while hiking and I made peace with what my father was goin...