has been too long since I last posted. December was the last time I wrote on here and I told myself I would stay consistent with this...funny how long that lasted. Well here I am again. I continue to struggle but I am making strides with improving myself. It will be a life-long journey for me, but the progress made in the past couple months have boosted my spirits for a majority of the time. My battle with weight will continue, but the positive strides of losing it are slowly moving along. My diet-what I put in my body food wise-has changed significantly. I am doing this for myself and little by little it is coming off. It truly is 70% diet and 30% exercise. I meet with a trainer each week so that he can kick my butt and keep me accountable. The weekly sessions and consistent exercise throughout the week is what helps me stay with it. I have stayed with it for 2 months now and will continue. I am in for the rest of my life because I want to make myself better. I have goals and intend on surpassing them. It will take take and I am okay with that because I know it will last that way. I am working on other parts of my the phrase says..."in due time".
Until next time...
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