Summer Saturdays...

Saturdays are wonderful, but during the Summer weekend days are even better. When you are on holiday you have the feeling of, "Wahoo, no work on Monday!" Sundays are very similar, but this I am posting this on Saturday then I talk about Saturdays. "Blue Moon Night Dress" is available for Maitreya, Slink (Hourglass), and Belleza (Freya, Isis). Fatpack hud includes a variety of colors to suit your fancy. Featured @The Vintage Fair until June 25, 2017.


Hair.../Wasabi Pills/ Bianca Style 1
Necklace...Entice Ka-Ching
Dress...Entice Blue Moon
Shoes...Essenz Namibia Gaurdians Gacha Gift - April 2017
Skin...Style by Kira Serenity Applier
Body...Maitreya Lara v 4.1
Photo Location...Whimberly


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