Winter thoughts...

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Natessa earrings available @Imaginarium until December 31, 2017...75L per pull AND you can also get 5 of our stunning original mesh items for only 75L each for the length of the event as well!
[Aleutia] Lan
[Aleutia] Beloved
[Aleutia] Emily
[Aleutia] Anouk
[Aleutia] Dana Leggings

Hair.../Wasabi Pills/ Jasmine Licorce
Skin...Style by Kira Serenity Applier
Body...Maitreya Lara
Earrings...Aleutia Natessa
Lipstick...Entice Hold On Red
Necklace...**RE** Christmas pearls set
Jacket/Shirt...Aleutia Hannah (Group Gift)
Jeans...Aleutia Daneen
Photo Location...Jagged Edge


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