Sunday, September 20, 2020

Vision is the art of....

"You've got to think about big things while you're doing small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction." ~Alvin Toffler
No matter the vision of your planning you will definitely want to plan to purchase the "Meteor" glasses from Truly Outrageous Fashion. Available exclusively @4 Seasons event until September 29, 2020. Glasses include a 30-color hud to personalize the lenses, nosepiece, and frames. Fits both males and females.

 Truly Outrageous Fashion Meteor glasses @4 Seasons

WellMade Ballou blouse

Truly Outrageous Fashion Meteor glasses

Buzzeri Zodiac Pitch eyes

Maitreya Lara body

[theSkinnery] Nicole Toffee Maitreya skin applier

Not Found Catwa Nicole Toffee skin applier

Wasabi Noriko hair

Catwa Freya Bento head

Entice Just a Kiss lipstick

:::KC::: Betsy jeans

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When snow falls....