Nail love...
"Your nails are not going to change the world, but the woman who wears them will." ~Tammy Taylor Nails are a work of art on display for all to see. Truly Outrageous Fashion has released a new line of nail art for your lovely hands. Ombre Glitter nails are available exclusively featured @WIP event until the end of February. Includes a 15-color hud to customize your nails and fits Maitreya, Belleza, Legacy, Kupra, Slink, Zooby Mama, and Vista.
Truly Outrageous Fashion Ombre Glitter Nails @WIP
Maitreya Lara body
[theSkinnery] Nicole Toffee Maitreya skin applier
Not Found Catwa Nicole Toffee skin applier
Catwa Freya Bento head
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