What about opinions...
"Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality." ~Les Brown
My reality, my life, my decisions, and my journey reside in what is best for me. Others opinions are nice but do not determine my daily decisions or even long term decisions. Make the decision today to purchase this beautiful lace halter and coordinating jeans. Halter includes a multi-color hud and fits Maitreya, Star, Signature, eBody, TMP, Belleza, Slink, and Tonic. Halter is available for group members. Tenne jeans fit Legacy, Maitreya, Signature, Star, eBody, Belleza, Slink, and Tonic. Visit Charisma's Designs.
Charisma's Designs Lace halter & Tenne jeans
Buzzeri Zodiac Pitch eyes
Maitreya Lara body
[theSkinnery] Manon FIT honey skin
Wasabi Willow hair
Catwa Freya Bento head
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